VIU Students at Beach


5 reasons to take a summer course at university

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on February 22, 2022 - 6:11pm

As a university student, we know your summers are sacred. It’s your chance to do something completely different than school, whether that’s working, spending more time on hobbies or relaxing in the sun. But there are advantages to taking summer courses and VIU is making it easier than ever this year. We are offering double number of courses with many online or hybrid options, which means you can work and attend school at the same time, or study from your home community. 

VIU’s summer session is divided into several different terms:

Six ways to get involved on campus

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on January 28, 2022 - 10:37am

Participating in campus life outside of the classroom can lead to new friends, opportunities to explore your passions on a deeper level and a more enriching university experience. From student clubs to special events to working on campus, there are a lot of options available. Here are six ways to get more involved on campus.

Top 6 reasons you should talk to a VIU educational advisor

Submitted by Rachel Stern on January 27, 2022 - 10:02am

“Educational advisors are like having a compass that helps you navigate all the unknowns of university,” says VIU Educational Advisor Michael Kuntz.

“We’re going to be your best cheerleader and advocate. When you need a pep talk, we’re going to be there for you. It’s really important to build support around yourself, especially for first-generation learners whose family members may not be able to help with academic vocabulary and processes,” says Michael. “We can also give extra tips and information about course loads, electives and finding support on campus.”

Weathering the rainstorms

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on January 17, 2022 - 10:38am

It’s that time of the year when the rain (sometimes snow) and darkness takes a hold on us. The cooler weather and shorter days feel extra draining on the soul. If you’re anything like me, the consistent clouds and regular rain showers can get you feeling the blues and full of gloom. Add the stress associated with physical distancing and keeping your mask on at all times due to COVID-19, and my somber thoughts and sentiments snowball more than average.