VIU Students at Beach

Current Students

Chemistry students receive accolades at national conference

Submitted by Rachel Stern on August 28, 2024 - 2:16pm

VIU Chemistry students Simon Maguire, Lily Eggert and Trevor Michalchuk snagged top honors during a national chemistry conference this summer.

Simon won an undergraduate poster award and Lily and Trevor received student presenter awards for their talks. They earned the awards at the Environmental Chemistry Division of the Canadian Society of Chemistry conference in Winnipeg this summer. The conference aims to bring people together to embrace learning exchange ideas, advance careers and the chemistry profession.

Ali Dillion-Cardinal amplifies teen voices in compelling play

Submitted by Rachel Stern on August 7, 2024 - 9:42am

Warning: The play, The Kids Are All Dying, contains conversations about gun violence and a school shooting, loud gunshot sounds, discussion of child death, coarse language, drugs and alcohol.

Ali Dillon-Cardinal wrote a play that explores the often-unheard voices of teenagers dealing with the trauma of a school shooting.

Saving an endangered Nanaimo flower

Submitted by Rachel Stern on July 12, 2024 - 9:34am

A small flower with yellow and cream petals is on the edge of extinction in Canada and a VIU research team is fighting to save it.

Bryan Lamprecht, a VIU Biology student, is working with Dr. Jasmine Janes, a VIU Biology Professor, studying Hosackia pinnata, also known as Bog bird’s-foot-trefoil. The rare species is red-listed in BC and Canada. There are only five sites where this rare flower grows in Canada, all near Nanaimo. The plant also grows along portions of the western coast of the United States.  

Computer Science student develops digital dashboard for BC music festival

Submitted by Rachel Stern on July 10, 2024 - 9:17am

Attending VIU allowed Zeke Critchlow to push his limits and uncover a “deep-seated passion for programming and research.” 

“The VIU community has enriched my experience, making it a delightful place to study and grow. The support and encouragement from my instructors have been crucial, pushing me to exceed my perceived limits and explore new heights in my capabilities,” says Zeke. “Thank you to everyone who helped make my VIU experience awesome!”

VIU Student Pulse News: June 14, 2024

Submitted by Jenn McGarrigle on June 14, 2024 - 5:32pm

This week you probably noticed a lot of students wearing regalia and graduation caps. That’s because convocation ceremonies were on June 12 and 13, and Semélshun, VIU’s Indigenous Graduation Recognition Ceremony, was on Friday, June 14. This will be the last edition of the Student Pulse until mid-August. We wanted to give you a break to enjoy some summer sun! 😎 Don't worry, if anything important comes up, we'll reach out. 
In this issue: