A Natural Resource Management student on a field trip

Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection

Program calendar icon Program Length

  • 4 Years

Program credential icon Credential

  • Bachelor Degree

Program location icon Location Offered

  • Nanaimo

Are you passionate about the outdoors, and see yourself in a future career protecting Canada’s rich natural environment and wildlife? The Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection at VIU is for environmental stewards who are ready to turn their passion for nature conservation, nature protection and natural resource management into a career.

The program is the only one of its kind in British Columbia, and offers small classes and expert instruction. Students benefit from experiential learning in a four-month practicum in the industry.

Graduates find jobs in a wide range of career paths such as wildlife biology and management, wildlife conservationist, range management, conservation officers, teaching, forestry, interpretation and guiding.

The Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection Program

The degree program builds on two-year natural resource diploma programs. The Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection will enable 2-year diploma graduates to receive an undergraduate degree after an additional two years of course work. This degree has been designed to provide an advanced credential for many career opportunities in the natural resource conservation and protection field. Depending on the student’s academic background, the degree can be applied to professional designation with British Columbia’s College of Applied Biologists, Forest Professionals BC, or the BC Institute of Agrologists.

In addition to advanced courses in natural resource management and protection, the Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection includes a required four month field practicum or work experience component. In this practicum, students can choose an off-campus field placement with either an enforcement or a natural resource management agency.

Year 3

Fall SemesterCredits
RMOT 305 - (Advanced Field Skills)3
RMOT 306 - (Environmental Monitoring)3
RMOT 397 - (Natural Resource Forensic Investigations)3
Semester Credits15
Spring SemesterCredits
ENGL 204 - (Business and Technical Writing) 3
GEOG 328 - (Geographic Information Systems) or,
FRST 328 - (GIS for Natural Sciences)

RMOT 357 - (Research Methods in Natural Resource Management) or,

RMOT 324 - (Research Methods in Geography)

Semester Credits15

Year 4

Fall SemesterCredits

Select one of the following: 

  • Complete all of:
    • RMOT 470 - (Advanced Field Practicum in Natural Resource Protection)
  • Complete all of:
    • RMOT 480 - (Work Experience in Natural Resource Protection)
    • Twelve credits of ANTH, AQUA, BIOL, FISH, FRST, GEOG, and RMOT numbered 300* and above
Semester Credits15
Spring SemesterCredits

RMOT 403 (Current Topics in Natural Resource Management) or,

GEOG 358  (Policy, Resources and Sustainability) 

RMOT 400 - (Fisheries Conservation and Management)3
RMOT 401 - (Wildlife Management)3
RMOT 496 - (Resource Management and Aboriginal Rights)3
Semester Credits15

* Students must obtain permission from their program advisor for elective course selections. Please check the specific course descriptions in the online calendar to ensure you have the prerequisites for the courses selected.

  • Completion of Vancouver Island University’s Resource Management Officer Technology diploma, Forest Resources Technology diploma, or Fisheries & Aquaculture diploma, with a minimum grade point average of 2.33 (“C+”), or
  • Completion of a fish and wildlife or natural resource technology diploma program accredited with the North American Wildlife Technology Association (minimum grade point average of 2.33 (“C+”).
  • Diploma graduates from 2-year natural resource technology programs not accredited with the North American Wildlife Technology Association may apply and the diploma will be assessed for equivalency.

Notes on Admission

  • Admission to the third year of the degree program is limited. Students who meet or exceed the minimum admission requirements may not necessarily be admitted to the program. In times of high demand, applicants may be prioritized by overall grade point average. A waitlist will be created, if required.

Notes on Progression

  • Students enrolled in the Bachelor Natural Resource Protection degree must satisfactorily complete all course and elective courses, with a minimum "C-" grade in all 300-level RMOT courses.
  • Students must also maintain a minimum "C" average in upper level courses, and have an overall GPA of at least 2.0 ("C") in order to be eligible for graduation.
  • Students who fail to maintain these standards will be asked to withdraw from the program for a minimum of one academic year. The student may apply for probationary re-instatement after the withdrawal period, subject to available space in the program.

Transfer Credit

Students are required to satisfy the institutional residency requirement by completing 60 credits, a minimum of 42 of which must be upper level (third and fourth year courses numbered 300 or higher), at Vancouver Island University. Transfer credit for third and fourth year courses into the degree program must be approved beforehand by the degree advisor.

Students that graduate with the Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection will be able to find employment in many different fields of natural resource management and protection. This includes Law enforcement officers enforcing natural resource, fish, wildlife, and park related legislation, Environmental consultants, Fish and Wildlife technicians and biologists, among others. A degree may also be beneficial for promotion to management positions within many agencies.

Domestic Fees | International Fees

Domestic Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year* Amount
Tuition (30 credits x $166.40 per credit) 4,992.00
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Books and supplies per year
(approximate costs)
Other expenses (field trips, etc.)
(approximate costs)

*  The above table is based on ten 3-credit courses taken over two semesters.

The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

Science and Technology courses with a compulsory lab have a lab fee of $23.90 per course.

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

International Fees

Tuition and Other Mandatory Student Fees

When applying to the program, applicants will be charged a non-refundable application fee.

When applying to graduate, students will be charged a non-refundable graduation and alumni fee.

Some courses have additional fees to pay for extraordinary class–related expenses.

Fees for One Year* Amount
Tuition (30 credits x $799.77 per credit) 23,993.10
Student Activity fee (8 months x $19.97 per month) 159.76
Student Services fee (8 months x $22.05 per month) 176.40
VIU Students' Union fee (8 months x $27.60 per month) 220.80
Health and Dental Plan fee ($285.00 per year) 285.00
Books and supplies per year
(approximate costs)
Other expenses (field trips, etc.)
(approximate costs)

*  The above table is based on ten 3-credit courses taken over two semesters.

The VIUSU Health and Dental Plan fee is assessed for all students enrolled in 6 credits or more per term, or in Trades/Vocational programs of 5 months or longer.  

Science and Technology courses with a compulsory lab have a lab fee of $23.90 per course.

All fees are subject to change without prior notice and are expected to increase by 2% each year on April 1.

Domestic (Canadian)

Program Start Date Accepting Applications Campus
Anticipated intake for someone applying today:
Next Intake(s):

The Bachelor of Natural Resource Protection program has one intake each Fall

Application Fee:
Admissions Assistant:
Name: Melanie Cousins
Phone: 250.740.6400
Email: Melanie.Cousins@viu.ca
Chair Contact:
Name: Liz Gillis
Email: Liz.Gillis@viu.ca
Document Deadline:

March 31


You must have a Natural Resource Management Diploma (or equivalent) to apply to this program. If you have only completed high school, you cannot apply to this program.

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Further information on this program can be found on the Department website.

Visit the Department Website

Previous versions of this program can be found in the Program Archive.