During the 1960s VTS operated independently of Malaspina College which was established in 1969. Prior to the melding of the two schools in 1971, they tried to coordinate programming so there wouldn't be overlap. In 1969, 1970, and the first part of 1971, VTS continued its focus on practical training while Malaspina College focused on the academic side of education.
Nanaimo's Vocational Trade School logo courtesy of Kay Brodie, former VTS instructor.
This was Malaspina College's first logo chosen through a community contest. The winner was compensated $15 for his/her creativity. The logo was in effect from 1969 to 1981 when it was replaced by the arbutus tree.
College Curriculum Suited to Region
Curricula for the planned college include technical courses, business studies, Canadian history, world geography, communications, math, arts and sciences, as well as agriculture, fishing, engineering, and journalism. The goal was to offer diverse courses valuable to the area the college would serve.
Article courtesy of Victoria BC's Daily Colonist, Sept. 17, 1967